I remember my early days of motherhood , when everything was so new and scary at times... is the baby OK? why isn't she moving so much today? ,should I take her to the hospital? ,maybe she's not getting enough milk, is that a fever or is she just warm? ... I think I did that up to my second child and then I was more relaxed, too relaxed I'd say! My family members would change my babies diapers and the diaper would be soaked to the point of no return ,oops!; Don't get me wrong, I did care, but things that didn't require immediate, life and death attention, didn't ring a sense of urgency in me. There was always another emergency at hand like:"watch out for the baby putting a toy inside the VCR and half her arm too", or " I think there's a smell of smoke coming from the kitchen.... yep the kids toasting something that should not be toasted", or "did we get everybody out the mall?...oops we're missing one", or when my son broke his arm in a park and I was alone with three more children, no cell phone, no car and no way to get to the house. yikes!
Life for busy mommies is full of emergencies and mishaps, falls, boo-boos and all sorts of panicking moments... There are also times to comfort a crying child with an earache, pray for another with a high fever or just be there for another with a sad face or a heavy heart.
Whatever the need, mom will always be there to kiss the troubles away. I'm glad I get to be there when the bumps of life hit my little ones, I'm glad I get to be the one to kiss them and make them feel better and safe.
I thank God everyday for the blessing of being able to stay home and take in every moment I have with them. I know of many that for one reason or another don't have this opportunity and I feel for them and their children, at the same time I pray that I can truly take advantage of every chance I have to demonstrate the love of Christ to my children and that they could see Jesus in me... pass my imperfections .
Titus 2 tells the older women to teach the younger ones to "love their husbands and their children" I always wondered why a mother needed to be taught to love her children, "doesn't every woman have a natural love for them?" and lately I realized that there are times when my children are not so lovable or I'm not as loving. I need to die to my own self daily in order to love my children the way God wants me to love them, through training, discipline and encouragement.
If you, like me ,enjoy the privilege to be home with your children, be encouraged, strive to make every day count, teaching the Word to them when you get up and when you lay down, when you go by the road and in every moment of the day, walking with them in the realization that these times whatever long or short they may be, are precious moments to make eternal memories. We mothers are not perfect beings, but to our children we are the closest they have to taste and see the love of their heavenly Father.