My daughter,
While I was creating the universe, you were in my thoughts , while I was speaking this world into being ,you were already in the blueprint of my mind; though I made every creature amazing in itself and every other wonder to reflect my majesty, I reserved the best of my design for you, my own image to reflect my heart of love: I chose to put the twinkling of the stars in your eyes, I imagined every line in your face like the mountains and valleys that I made, I gave you eyes that can see me, ears to hear my voice, a mouth that would praise me , hands that I could hold, feet that would run to me, a heart that will love me eternally and a spirit that will long for my presence; I created you for me ,I created you beautiful indeed , not like this world defines its beauty but by the sweetness of your gentle spirit.
I also made you with a purpose and a destiny,my desire is to fullfill my will in your life and bring you to the place I designed you for, You are precious to me.
As you can attest, time makes youth and beauty fade away but yet what remains is unfading deep inside of you, that part of me that your eyes can't see. I wish for a moment that you could see yourself they way I do; that every time you look at your reflection in the mirror and are tempted to be discontent with what's in front of you ,you would remember that I made you uniquely special , there's no one in the whole world that compares to you . You are my daughter , you are beautiful in my eyes.
Proverbs 31:30 Song of Songs 4: 1
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