Saturday, May 30, 2009

The road less traveled...

I want to journal my experiences of life at home and my journey as a mother during these precious years that seem to go so fast.

I came to this country from Colombia eleven years ago, newlywed , just gotten pregnant on my honeymoon and did not know anyone here. Of course, I was received with a warm welcome by my new family but being away from all that I ever held dear was too much to bear. There was a lot of crying and homesickness back in those days, but rapidly I adjusted to my new surroundings.
Motherhood found me in my mid twenties filled with anticipation and dreams, little did I know this job required more than just that and as we were increasing in size ,blessed with every child, so did the realization of responsibility and work that it entailed. Eleven years of marriage and six children later, I can say that I'm still learning but God has been faithful to guide me through the rough waters.

I can still remember my first month with my son , the reality of being a mother had not yet sunk in and as I held him everyday I wondered when "his real mommy" will come to pick him up. It wasn't until weeks later when he got really sick and I stayed in a hospital with him for four days and nights that it hit me, nobody was coming , he was mine.

As a young couple , we encounter with great privilege, what I believe to be the wisdom that only comes from God through godly counsel and His word and decided to leave the size of our family to Him; other children came and with them the criticism and pressure from family and friends about our decision but we didn't pay attention to those voices and have found peace doing what we believe to be His will for us. Now, it has not been easy but nobody said it would be. There has been days filled with chaos and overwhelming termoil that made us question not His will but our own ability to fullfill it, but of course, the rewards of this road less traveled are without measure.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Summer is Here

Summer is in the air, flowers are blooming, the weather is getting hot and my kids can't wait for school to be over. I babysat my niece Hannah for a week and we got to do some creative fun things during her stay, like homemade playdough and this little dresses, I got the idea from an old issue of the "No greater Joy" Magazine, just take inexpensive new t-shirts and add some fabric for a skirt and viola' summer dresses. They all got to match for memorial day.
I love the oportunity to do these kind of things with my girls, things that I know are building lasting memories like a quilt, one stich at a time.

Life unscripted

Why the name Life unscripted ? Let's say there are many unscripted moments in my daily life and I would like to share them as well as journal during these years when my children are still little and time goes so fast, and I probably wont remember much detail of our days. Also I would like to share things that God has allowed me to learn about home life, health and my walk with Him. I hope to be of blessing to you as others have inspired me.