Friday, June 5, 2009

Finding joy in unexpected places

It's past midnight and I find myself doing my bedtime rounds: fold the laundry, put the last load in the dryer, turn on the dishwasher, last wipe and pick up around the kitchen counter, I grab my water bottle and up the stairs I go, turning in for the night; tomorrow I'll do it all over again...

It seems like there could be little to no joy found in these mundane tasks of the everyday life.
Another dirty diaper to change, changing clothes on a child just minutes after you got them showered and dressed ?! or wiping messes that seem to appear out of nowhere like magic. Why even bother to clean the floor? It's going to get messy again ! Sometimes as I'm doing it I think to myself , didn't I just do this a while ago?

I confess there are days when the mere thought of doing these menial things make me wish I could stay in bed all day but my sense of responsibility doesn't allow me to. I also wrestle with rejoicing throughout these chores that seem repetitive and at times meaningless. I guess the main questions are:

Is God interested in these tasks? and could there be a way to find joy while doing them? .

First of all, the things we mothers do in our home for our families is our service to them and to The Lord. We are servants! God has appointed us to be the deliverers of His love to our children and love in its purest form is demonstrated through service. " As unto the Lord" to me means as if Jesus is the recipient of my service.
Philippians 2 :5-7 We need to have the same attitude Jesus had toward service.

Philippians 2:3 says Do nothing out of selfish ambition

Here are some ways we can exercise servanthood and experience joy at the same time:

  • Enjoying a baby's smile while changing a diaper

  • Memorizing Scripture or praying while washing dishes

  • Listening to a preaching tape or singing along a worship song while folding laundry or mopping the floor.

  • Helping a child with homework while cooking

  • Listen to a child read to you or read to her while nursing the baby

  • Make cleaning a family business, let the children in on the fun

  • Reminding yourself: I'm doing this as unto The Lord!

Something that keeps coming to my mind when I'm tempted to grumble about the "new" mess to be cleaned or the fifth time I have to refill a cup of milk, is that God has designed this to make me a servant, to get out of my selfish mode and bring me to a complete surrender of my will. Dying to the right to take a nap when I need it or have "me"time every now and then. I have to chose to die daily to my own desire to have it my way.

But it's not all about sadness or dying to rights, there is joy! . There is joy when I get a smile and an unexpected thank you in return , a hug, or a beautiful painting with MOM written all over it , or fresh picked dandelions,or the good feeling you get at the end of the day when you know that even as inadequate or imperfect you think you are as a mother, your children were taken care of and nurtured by none other than you. Today I was not feeling like myself, maybe coming down with a cold but I stretched myself to be there for my children , we read books, made some crafts, finished school work, watched a movie and cuddled together, I can sleep in peace knowing I did my best to serve them and my Lord.


  1. You write beautifully. Keep writing. God as your voice. Thank you for sharing. I will smile today when I have to change the baby diapers or I have mop again for spills that happen and no one knows who did it. I will put on songs while I clean. I will rejoice today because I was reminded by my sweet friend. God bless.

  2. Que bellas palabras, Silena! So powerful!

  3. God is so good! Thanks for sharing.

  4. One of my first blog posts was about willingly loving my family. God speaks to us, as His daughters, moms to our children and wives to our giving husbands, so gently. It does seem like the mundane more days than not. With us having six children too, I know exactly where you're coming from.
    God bless you!!

  5. Thanks Kela! God has led me through this blog - path that I was unaware of. There's great wisdom among the women I've visited and I'm glad you visited mine. I just joined yours and I look forward to glean much wisdom from it too. God Bless you and yours!

  6. I love when my little 16 month old runs toward me with her arms open saying "Mommy, Mommy, Mommy." That brings me so much joy. Then there's times like today when my 11 year old decided on her own to write a story last night. She woke up this morning and told me she wrote a story with chapters. After she finished it today, I read it aloud to us all and it was wonderful - so creative and imaginative and included Christians themes like forgiveness and witnessing for God. Then there's the moments like last night when my 16 year old son and I had a wonderful conversation where he said things that showed maturity in him. So many joys I have being a stay at home wife and mom and homeschooler!

    Thanks so much for this post! It was so encouraging. Because the fact is, we probably all have days when we're tempted to not want to be joyful about a task we have to get done. But it is truly a blessing to be able to stay at home and take care of our home and family and to be able homeschool.

    Hope you have a great week!


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